Kamis, 19 Juni 2008

Kids Cafe Volunteers Needed!

Kids Cafe is an afterschool feeding program designed to combat childhood hunger. This program provides children with nutritious evening meals in a safe environment.
Dedicated volunteers are needed to commit two hours after school, Monday through Friday, on a continual basis during the school year. Three Kids Cafe locations are currently seeking one or two volunteers per location. Duties include helping serve meals and light paperwork/roll-taking. Background checks are required
Where: Kids Cafe's at Phea Boys and Girls Club

Wilson Boys and Girls Club

Optimist Boys and Girls Club
Time: Monday through Friday, 3-5pm
Contact: Becky Jennings at 806-763-3003 or Tammy Hester at 806-544-1332

Volunteer Coaches Needed
The West Texas Running Club is dedicating it's annual Prairie Dog Run on March 8th to the South Plains Food Bank and the Kids Cafe Program. Proceeds from the run will help feed hungry children at Kids Cafe Sites in Lubbock and other South Plains communities.
Volunteer running coaches are needed to create "Team Kids Cafe!" at each participating site. In addition to eating nutritious meals, kids will have an opportunity to join in the Prairie Dog Run. Along the way, kids can see how eating and exercise go hand in hand for a healthy lifestyle.
Volunteer coaches will meet two times a week, January through March. No experience is needed! If you are interested in volunteering as a coach, please sign up with Becky Jennings at 806-763-3003, or email at volunteer@spfb.org.

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